General Questions
- Can you help me choose a color palette?
- Can I add a logo?
- Is it possible to link my EHR to Squarespace?
- Is SEO included with your Squarespace templates?
- How much leeway do I have to change the color, fonts, backgrounds, etc.?
- I don't have a need for the members area on the Sage template. Is there a way to hide or disable that?
- Do you create logos?
- Can the 01, 02, 03 be removed from the Andrea template?
- HIPAA Compliance & Squarespace
- If I decided to not have a dropdown list, will that decrease traffic to my website or impact on how easily people will find me?
- Do you offer ongoing support?
- Accepting payments
- I created headers in Canva, can I insert them into the site?
- Can I transfer my existing website over to one of your templates?
- Can I add more services if I expand my practice over time?
- Can I change the color scheme?
- Do I establish the domain name and scheduler via squarespace?
- Can the "x" icons be removed or changed on the Bridge template?
- Can I change the backgrounds for particular sections on the Andrea template?
- Can I incorporate my logo into the header/footer?